


President: Justine Muir
Ph. 0490 396 197

Vice President: Fiona Saltmarsh

Secretary: Simon Van Baalen
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ph. 0431694354

Treasurer: Simon Van Baalen

Registrar Fiona Saltmarsh

Results Recorder: Simon Van Baalen

Publicity Officer(s): Fiona Saltmarsh (WLAC)


General Committee: Cheryl Hughes, Brendan Caffrey, Jude Fernando, Stuart Dalton


Download pdf copy of 2024/25 fixture and basic info



VIEW the uniform sheet



Club Coaches:

Level 2 -

Level 1 - 

If you are interested in coaching please contact the club via email or phone.

We will be orgaising some training sessions later in the year at the Newborough track. Please contact the club for more information, or keep an eye on the website and the facebook page for the latest news.


Level B -

Level C - Cheryl Hughes, Justine Muir


EQUIPMENT HIRING - including secondary schools

Our athletics equipment is available for hire! If you wish to hire out our equipment please print and fill out the form below. If you have any enquiries feel free to contact one of the Committee members.

Equipment Hire Form

Cheryl Hughes

Ph. 0428 822 540

LIFE MEMBERS - Vern Curnow (dec), Terry O'Neil, Heather Daldry(dec), Cheryl Hughes, Justine Muir.

Committee Photo (March 2017):

Club policies

Member protection - all members and participants of Gippsland Athletics Club are bound by the Athletics Victoria Members Protection Policy, which outlines the code of conduct for all individuals

Photography - all members and participants of Gippsland Athletics Club will abide by the Athletics Victoria Photography Policy

Communication Policy - all members and participants of Gippsland Athletics Club can expect timely and appropriate communication in line with our club policy


Ø These awards are available to club members only.


Ø There is a section for males and a section for females.

Ø The winner of each age group, in each event, run on a competitive day, 5 points for 1st place, 3 points for 2nd , 2 points for 3rd and 1 point for any other place.

Ø A person's best four events only will count, therefore, a person may receive a maximum of 20 points per day.

Ø Each week of competition is to be counted, including the 3 Vern Curnow Shield rounds.

Ø To be eligible a competitor must have competed over a minimum of 6 weeks.

Ø Pentathlon results do not count


Gippsland Athletics is affiliated with Athletics Victoria

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